Aksara on Java Rockin'land 2009
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Dear Friend,
Come and see what the all hype is all about on Aksara Cutting Edge Stage at Java Rockin'land 2009 (7,8,9 August 2009 at Carnaval Beach, Ancol).
We have 24 Indie Bands will perform on 3 days: White Shoes & The Couples Company, SORE, The Adams, Denial, Monkey To Millionaire, Goodnight Electric, Sajama Cut, The Sabotage, The Brandals, Efek Rumah Kaca, Dub Youth, The Borstal, Southern Beach Terror and so much more.
They will be playing their meanest riffs, the hardest breakdowns and the best singalongs plus we sell Special Band Merchandises. Its you're loss if you miss out!
You are able to check the complete line-ups, time table and order your ticket on www.javarockingland.com
We will be upset if you don't, so come and lend us some support! We are coming all this way to play for YOU and no one else. See you there!
Mayang Arum Anjar Rizky
TV Promotion Coordinator - Aksara Records
mayang blognya eke link yaa :D
oke Git, gue link juga yaaa hehe. blog lo banyak jua Git! jumawa bgt lo ;)
itu ada yang udah ga kepake, jadi cuma page break buat ke blog baru deh,hoho .tengkyu May
Ah kenapa qt tak bersua ya???
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