Friend-ology or Partner-ology
Thursday, 5 February 2009
We are a horde of ants, we share and having our own ploy
Pick and pick up this favored sugar happily
Even when we have to share something that I do not know how to make it shared
Life is about to share.
First of all, for this time, I would not like to have any other melancholic part as seen in the previous posts :) It is not about me, but it shows how the situation making me there as I am (actually yes about me, but it is not specifically or we could call me as the supporting actor).
Well, we do not ever know what kind of tomorrow of its lifetime series. Somehow, all the predictions and convictions stand here today and go away suddenly. You can assume me unaligned. But I told you, all these efforts nothing other than only to show that I am trying to think of it neutrally.
In this case, you still have your conviction and your heart talks. I know how it feels because I ever felt how it hurts. I know why you could have to think to not paying any attentions because I ever did something stupid carelessly too. I know how hard it is to say because I ever did not have prepared to give the explanation. It is about how you understand others’.
Dear patience, let you appear and may you have to give her advice that this could be a hindrance of her life parts.
And then for the honesty, just show who you are and what you feel without pretend to be something that tragically tortures you inside.
Life is about to choose.
Whether it is right or not, it will be showed when you get all the restrictions cleared in the way to live your chosen path.
emang kenapa ga boleh yaa...kan wajar kalo manusia kurang puas trus selingkuh...
saya sangat menghargai pendapat anda, terima kasih. toh tiap org punya pendapat yg beda2 kan yaa, klo ga kayak gini ya Indonesia ga bakal Bhineka Tunggal Ika hehehehe ;) tp kalau buat saya, masalahnya ngga hanya di kita aja, tp gimana kita bisa memposisikan diri kita menjadi orang yg ngebuat kita merasa ngga puas. yaaah mencoba utk mengerti perasaan orang lain sedikitlah sebelum kita melakukan apapun itu baik selingkuh/bukan.
hahaha....jawaban yg sangat u love him so bad??
bok, ini siapa ya? hayo ngaku! ngga sih ngga so-bad so-bad banget, cuma banyak hal yg bisa dipelajarin aja
hehehe...yupp pasti banyak hal yg bisa dipelajarin!!cuma gw mikinya Tingkat kesetiaan orang,tuh tergantung pilihan yang dia punya!!entah cewe atau cowo punya kesempatan yg sama..makin biasa bgt seseorang, semakin biasa ekspektasi dia akan kebahagiaan!!nah karena kita dibesarkan dilingkungan yg beda2 dengan cara mikir yg beda2 pasti ketika kita merasa ga puas dengan pilihan kita, pasti kita akan mencoba utk nyari yg lebih baik..jadi bukan cuam cowo kan..hahahahahaha...mungkin lo emang disiapkan buat seseorang... the one who would threat u like a LITTLE PRINCESS’S..hehehehe.. cause EVERY WOMEN ARE LITTLE PRINCESS’S INSIDE”
sumpah yaaaa ini siapa deeh? baiklah, pertama, setuju bgt klo tingkat kesetiaan org itu tergantung kesempatan yg dia punya. emg yg namanya hubungan pasti selalu aja ada masalah kan, tergantung pilihannya, mau diberesin baik2 atau nikung hehe. kedua, iya setuju bgt jg klo kita pasti bakal nyari yg lebih baik lagi ke depannya, tp caranya itu, ngga harus selalu menyakiti orang lain toh, atau sampe nyiptain suasana yg ga enak dengan ninggalin sesuatu yg masih ngejanggal. ketiga, iya emang bukan cowok, tergantung pribadi orangnya masing2, waktu itu sempet mikir kayak gitu cuma sekelebat aja krn ngeliat lingkungan yg sebagian besar begitu jadinya kebawa suasana hehehehe. threat? wah, treat mungkin. iya aminnnnn, semoga saja semuanya jg begitu. tp percayalah klo JODOH ITU KEMANA-MANA, bukan ga kemana-mana, jadi harus usaha jg nyari heheheheee. apalagi berhubung populasi wanita sudah semakin lebih banyak dari pria, jd probabilitas untuk berpoligami semakin tinggi. wawawawawawww. (mulai ngga nyambung & merembet kmn2)
hahaha..maav2...bodoh banget yaahh,ada saran supaya kemampuan bhs ingris gw meningkat!!hahahaha....!!apuuss aja mba!!hehehe... yahh sebagai lagu penutup dari bincang2 kita kali ini..saya persembahkan sebuah lagu dari band yg baru aja ngadain konser di australi, tp tetep ga ke indo!! saya persembahkan coldplay- yellow!!
Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah, they were all yellow.
I came along,
I wrote a song for you,
And all the things you do,
And it was called yellow.
So then I took my turn,
Oh what a thing to have done,
And it was all yellow.
mari nyanyi bersama-sama..hahahaha...
coldplay-yellow live in sidney
kapan live in jogja...
atau bandung...
atau jakarta ya...hehehe...
klo ga misalnya mereka mw lihat dewi persik artis sensasioal, jadinya pasti
coldplay feat dewi persik yellow live from jember..hahahaha...
bok, jadi semakin bingung. yasudahlah yaa terima kasih sudah mampir2! hehee
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