I do not know how to get a title on it II
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Have you ever got whirl, in the very huge whirlpool, and seems like your teeth have already planned to come out from your mouth? I wonder it happened to me last night. You have seen and back and forth in the same set of problems. You have told and back and forth in the case of your again-and-again-uncontrolled demeanor. You have had a hundred steps to act to be controlled. And it is freaking me out to think that you are invulnerable by nature.
I do believe that God planned about people have their own way to slit something open by force from any kind of what we call about crisis. I do believe that a-have-to-be-cycle. But it was made to be faced, inspected, hand-washed, and also it might not to be encountered anymore. Because of its last step, then I do have it as a ritual, or it is indeed so that I do have to make it as my own ritual.
I was crying because I was physically sympathetic and internally empathetic. All the thoughts, series of wise words, and the willingness to make it out of my mouth, surrounding my mind like the flutterbies fly above my head.
May be you have to complete these rewards;
1. In the meantime, get out while you still have a time to take a breath deeply, underline the meantime
2. Emotionally talks it seems like you talk with tourist which he or she really do not know how to get the thesaurus of your words, or even how to read your index
3. A baby needs to be nurtured and rationally you were one of them but not again now, everyone’s grew up with exception, person with the physically and mentally defect, but I guess you know where the place you stand for
4. You might be know that you are a stone, but whether it is right or not when you are proud to be a stonehege
5. Even a historian would be shocked first when he or she found the ancient inscription, so do not ever put your stupa in the deep land and enclosed by the layers of soil as the time goes by, better that if you give it to the right institution or that person immediately, except you plan to give a little surprise for the founder
6. Try to understand how person’s feelings, maybe your father’s, mother’s, brother’s, sisters’, friends’, partners’, people’s, and people’s with trying to be them in that situation. It is called empathetic
tenang aja mayang, klo kelas mpk seni kayak wayang gitu dikasih keleluasaan utk pindah jadwal kok biasanya..
kan dlm 1 minggu ada bbrp kelas wayang, nanti pilih aja kelas yg ga bentrok sama kelas2 lainnya, gitu..
dosen mpk seni baik2 n pada ngerti kok
Ya Kak, terima kasih ;)
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